Jul 22·edited Jul 22Liked by Kendall Brown

I am MORTIFIED that you did this to your teeth! That sounds so intense? Did it hurt? Holy shit.

I'm so excited for you to become a mother and am delighted to know that you'll be raising a child who has the nurturing he needs to love himself.

My rich life I am essentially living now...unemployed, music composition/rehearsal 5 days a week, rollerblading/the gym, hiking, however, Boulder is not as romantic, quiet, or moving as Bishop. But it does have 10x more opportunities... (Notice there is no aerial in this description, I am on a "break...")

I also DO NOT want to "work" but it seems that regardless, I work tirelessly on the projects I am inspired by and create endlessly and have a deep desire to meaningfully impact this beautiful planet that is our home, the beings who live here, the human family.

ALSO I started a somatic stress release program and also I think I am one of the most stressed people I know for some reason.

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I am equally mortified! What 6 year old is that stressed out!? I remember it hurting a bit but I just wiggled them until I could yank them out. What a psycho.

"I'm so excited for you to become a mother and am delighted to know that you'll be raising a child who has the nurturing he needs to love himself." WHAT A WONDERFUL THING TO SAY TO ME. Thank you, Sara <333

Wait I love your rich life! You're making me want to rollerblade. ALSO EXCUSE ME - did you move to Boulder?! Texting you now.

You are one of those inspiring people who can't help but create/produce and I wish everyone was more like you and shared this deep desire to meaningfully impact this beautiful planet!!

Somatic stress release program - amazing! Omg to me you seem like one of the least stressed people but it must just be that you exude calm even when life feels insane.

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You can be so hard on yourself. Self-compassion, acceptance and kindness towards your journey is my hope for you.

Becoming a mother is a frightening process for anyone with insight and any amount of anxiety, speaking from experience. Of course you will fuck them up in several ways, you are human. But your child will be loved deeply and be known, and that is the most important part. You will be a great mom. Please try to find some joy in the next few weeks and soak it all up. I wish I could remember more of my thoughts at the time and memories of their early days.

Hang in there. ❤️

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Your comments always make me think because I don't even feel like this was a very self-critical post! I guess that's a bad sign? Thanks for your encouragement, Holly! <3

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So glad you are being intentional about how you want to raise your child and reflecting on your childhood as well! It's great too to read about how you can be someone who thinks about money (which I don't too much which has both its pros and cons) and also is self-aware about how money can be a substitute for thinking about other deeper things. I hope all goes/has gone well with your baby (:

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